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Open Book


Research and Articles

Since our beginning, Purakau Productions has been committed to producing a high standard of published work.

To date, we have published a set of historical storybooks (in Te Reo Maori and English) for use as resources in New Zealand schools; a historical article in an international academic journal; a biography on a government online history site; as well as several technical and historical reports focusing on historical artifacts. 

We currently have several research projects either in progress, or completed drafts that are earmarked for academic journals; which are awaiting peer reviews, or signoffs.

There is also the possibility of a Doctoral program and subsequent thesis beginning in early 2025.

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Hongi's Hikoi: A Trio of Travellers (English) and
Te Hikoi a Hongi: Tokotoru Ratou (Te Reo Maori).

A limited-edition set of these were published in June 2022, as a component of the Hongi's Hikoi series of bicentennial commemorative events delivered at that time.

This set will be now available to the general public in 2025.


A set of beautifully illustrated bilingual historical story books produced for New Zealand Upper-Primary, Secondary, and Tertiary level students, which focus on the 1820 journey to England by Hongi Hika, Waikato, and CMS Missionary Thomas Kendall. Their role in the compilation of an English-Māori dictionary at Cambridge University, their introduction to the Peerage at the House of Lords, and their audience with King George IV.

Translated into Ngāpuhi mita (dialect) by Quinton Hita, this set of books is a quality resource for use in both mainstream and kura kaupapa (Māori immersion) schools.

The author is planning to publish and release this set of books to the public in 2025.


Three busts and a cape - the adventurous life of Hongi Hika

Published 8th March 2020

Oceanic Art Society Journal Volume 25, Issue 1


This article is a combination of a public presentation and an interview, which focuses on: Hongi Hika’s 1820 journey to England, a comparison of three carved wooden busts purported to be of Hongi himself, as well as current research focusing on the woven cloak which Hongi gifted to King George IV.


Moka Te Kaingamataa - Biography

An academic Biography published by the Ministry for Culture & Heritage


This is an academic biography about Ngāpuhi (Māori) chief Moka Te Kaingamataa, and his role in: traditional intertribal warfare; the sanguineous Musket Wars; trade and politics; the Declaration of Independence; Hobson's proclamations; his challenging of the Treaty of Waitangi; the Northern Wars; and his activism in regard to land issues.

This is an online resource utilised by New Zealand History Online, an initiative overseen by the NZ Ministry for Culture and Heritage.


Hongi Hika: A Portrait

Published June 2019


This is an academic journal article focusing on the 1820 journey to England by Māori chief Hongi Hika; his role in assisting the compilation of a Māori-English dictionary at Cambridge University, his introduction to the Peerage in the House of Lords, and his audience with King George IV. 

Additionally, it contains a detailed comparison of the three carved wooden busts purported to be of Hongi himself.

Journal of Museum Ethnography, No 32 June 2019. pp. 209-224.


*Click on PDF icon to view article.


Te Tūpara o Waikato

Completed and provided to Te Kongahu Museum in June 2023


This historical & technical report focuses on a tūpara or double-barrelled sporting gun that was gifted to Te Hikutu Chief, Waikato, by King George IV, when he and Hongi Hika met His Majesty at Carlton House, Westminster, on 13 Nov 1820.

Waikato travelled to England in 1820, with Hongi Hika, and CMS Missionary Thomas Kendall; where they assisted Prof. Lee compile an English-Māori dictionary at Cambridge University, were introduced to the Peerage in the House of Lords and were provided an audience with King George IV


Te Kongahu Museum, Waitangi, New Zealand, is the current kaitiaki (guardian) of this taonga, and the author would like to acknowledge Caitlin Timmer-Arends - Curatorial Manager, Chanel Clarke - Te Rau Aroha Curator, and Owen Taituha - Curator for their assistance during his many visits


*Click on PDF icon to access report.


Te Korowai o Warbrick

Completed and provided to the Australian Museum in September 2024


This historical & technical report focuses on the korowai (woven flax cloak) worn by Joseph 'Joe' Warbrick, Captain of the New Zealand Natives rugby union team; during their 1888-1889 tour of New Zealand, Australia, and the United Kingdom.

Joe led this team through a grueling schedule of 107 matches, over more than a year (an average of 3 matches per week); achieving an amazingly high winning percentage of nearly 75%, being all the more impressive when considering they had no access to replacement players.

Joe was also a member of the earlier 1884 New Zealand Natives team (precursors to the All Blacks); who were the first New Zealand representative team to tour outside of New Zealand.


The Australian Museum is the current kaitiaki (guardian) of this taonga, and the author is grateful to have had the opportunity to access and examine this korowai, and produce an historical & technical report. The author would like to acknowledge Mel Malu - Manager Pasifika Collections and Engagement, Logan Metcalf - Collection Officer Pasifika, and Myles Maniapoto - Collections Officer, for their assistance.

*Click on PDF icon to access report.

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Te Taiaha o Enoka

Recent events may have changed the situation regarding access - TBC


This technical and historical report focuses on a taiaha that is claimed to have belonged to the Ngai Te Rangi chief, Enoka Whanake; who gifted it to a European trader, in Tauranga, in the 1860s.

It is claimed that this taiaha was used at the Battle of Gate Pa or Pukehinahina.

Around 5 years ago, Aaron Goldwater contacted me to discuss this taonga, and we had countless conversations regarding it over the next few years. I contacted Puawai Cairns, and the process to repatriate Enoka's taiaha was set in motion. Discussions with the leaders of the Ngāti Kuku and Ngāi Tūkairangi hapu (subtribes) of Ngai Te Rangi followed, and this led to the return of the taiaha to its people in March 2024; despite the taiaha being openly gifted, and with no challenge to its acquisition by the current kaitiaki (custodian).

This previous kaitiaki (guardian) was Aaron Goldwater, however, the current kaitiaki is the Ngai Te Rangi iwi (tribe), with the taiaha and accompanying document (letter from Enoka Whanake) laying in the ancestral house Rauru Kī Tahi at Whareroa Marae in Tauranga.

*Click the PDF icon to access report.​

Not yet available.


Hongi's Kākahu : Rangatira to Royalty

PhD-style thesis, with an expected publication date of March 2025.


This PhD-style research paper originates from a doctoral thesis proposal, which focuses on the meeting between Māori chief Hongi Hika and King George IV, who met at Carlton House on 13th November 1820. 

This article encompasses three aspects of this meeting, these being: a) the practice of 'tuku' or reciprocal gifting and its importance within Māori society, b) a never-before-published description of the gifts exchanged between the two leaders, and c) a detailed study, focusing on the woven flax kākahu (cloak); which Hongi gifted the King, and which is now in the collection of The British Museum.

The British Museum is the current kaitiaki (guardian) of this taonga and the author is grateful to have had the opportunity to visit The British Museum in January 2019, October 2019, and again in January 2024, to examine and re-examine the kākahu  (cloak); and would like to acknowledge Dr Gayle Sculthorpe, Dr Julie Adams, Jill Hassell, and James Hamill for hosting him.

*Click on the PDF icon to access thesis

Not yet available.

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Te Hani o Hongi

Envisaged completion date is February 2025


A report focusing on the locating, identifying, and examination of a hani or taiaha (Māori fighting staff) which is believed to have belonged to Hongi Hika. 


In 1820, Hongi, Waikato, and Thomas Kendall travelled to England, where they assisted Prof. Lee to compile an English-Maori dictionary at Cambridge University; were introduced to the Peerage in the House of Lords; and were provided with an introduction with King George IV.


During his time in England, Hongi gifted a kakahu (cloak) to the King, and a pounamu hei-tiki to Rev. Basil Woodd, but to whom did Hongi gift his hani/taiaha?

The author undertook a research trip to the UK, where he delivered a lecture to Masters and Doctoral students at the Sainsbury Research Unit - University of East Anglia (at the invitation of Prof, Steven Hooper) in January 2024, and is grateful to have had the opportunity to examine the hani/taiaha which appears to be that which Hongi took with him to England two centuries ago.

*Click the PDF icon to access report.

Not yet available.

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Te Kaitaka o te Rangatira no Opotiki

Envisaged publication date April 2026


This report focuses on a finely woven, elaborately decorated kaitaka (woven flax cloak) which evidence suggests belonged to a Te Whakatohea rangatira (chief) from Opotiki.

This kaitaka is unique, bearing several taniko borders across its kaupapa (body). 

The Fowler Museum, University of California (UCLA), is the current kaitiaki  (guardian) of this kaitaka, and the author is grateful to have had the opportunity to visit and be hosted by Sylvia Forni - Director, and Isabella Kelly-Ramirez - Collections Officer in July 2023, July 2024, and scheduled for April 2025.


An art exhibition at the Fowler Museum in collaboration with Te Whakatohea weaver and artist Tangimoe Clay has been proposed for Spring 2026 - more to follow...

*Click the PDF icon to access report.

Not yet available.

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Ngā Kākahu  o te Kuini Wikitoria

Envisaged publication date July 2025.


This report focuses on a pair of kākahu, a kaitaka and a korowai (two types of finely woven flax cloaks); which were gifted to Queen Victoria, by a delegation of Māori chiefs, who were granted an audience with her whilst in England in 1863. 

The Māori delegation included several chiefs from around Aotearoa New Zealand, but it is the continuing link between the Royal family and Ngāpuhi that has sparked an interest with the author.

Te Kongahu Museum at the Waitangi Treaty Grounds is the current kaitiaki (guardian) of the korowai, as part of a long-term loan from The Royal Collections Trust. The Swiss Cotton Museum, Osborne House, on the Isle of Wight, where the Māori delegation was given an audience with Queen Victoria, is the current kaitiaki of the kaitaka. The author is grateful to have had the opportunity to be hosted by Caroline de Guitaut - Deputy Surveyor of The King's Works of Art - Royal Collections Trust; Kirsty Huggett - Collections Conservation Assistant; Emma Hallums - Collections Care Assistant; and Vickie Eggs - Osborne House Guide, at Osborne House in January 2024, and subsequently, decided to produce an historical & technical report. 

*Click on PDF icon to access report.

Not yet available.

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Kaitaka huaki - Te kākahu o te Ariki

Expected completion date July 2027


A research paper/journal article focusing on the identification and examination of a unique, rare, kaitaka huaki (finely woven flax cloak with three decorative borders); which was woven for a person of the highest mana (status).

The National Gallery of Australia has been kaitiaki (guardian) of this taonga since 2007, when this kaitaka was acquired from the Hooper Collection; which originally belonged to renowned Pasifika collector James T Hooper in the United Kingdom, by Crispin Howarth (on behalf of the NGA). 

It is hoped that a team of kairaranga (weavers) and kairangahau (researchers) can collaborate on this taonga, under the direction of the NGA, bringing to light additional information regarding this kaitaka

The expected publication date is July 2027.

*Click the PDF icon to access report.

Not yet available.

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Moka, Muskets & Mayhem!

The envisaged publication and production date for this major project is July 2026


An interactive historical novel seen through the eyes of influential Maori chief Moka Te Kaingamataa; focusing on the events in Aotearoa New Zealand from 1800 through to the 1860s, including intertribal warfare, European contact, trade, politics, the Musket Wars, the Declaration of Independence, the Treaty of Waitangi, the Northern Wars, and the New Zealand Land Wars.

Moka refused to sign the Treaty on principle, and is most likely the first Maori activist.

The novel itself is expected to be completed by July 2025, with the accompanying video content (re-enactments, interviews, waiata, etc) to be completed by July 2026.

The project as a package, is expected to be released by July 2026.

*Click the PDF icon to access report.

Not yet available.

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Te Korowai o te Pakanga no te Tai Tokerau

Expected date of completion February 2025


This report focuses on a korowai which was acquired by the late George Phillpotts, a Lieutenant in the Royal Navy.

This korowai (cloak with tassels) was sent by Lieutenant George Philpotts, before the former lost his life in the Battle of Ohaewai on July 1, 1845, during the Northern Wars,

The Royal Albert Memorial Museum, Exeter, U.K., in the current kaitiaki (guardian) of this taonga, and the author is grateful to have been hosted by Dr Tony Eccles, ​Curator, on January 2024, and after examining this korowai, decided to produce a historical and technical report.

*Click on PDF icon to access report.

Not yet available.

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Te Hei Matau o Poutini

Completed November 2024


This report focuses on a hei matau pounamu (greenstone hook-shaped neck pendant) which symbolises 'Poutini', a taniwha (guardian) of the west coast of Te Waipounamu (The South Island) and the deposits of pounamu therein.

The Bristol Museum & Art Gallery, Bristol, U.K. is currently the kaitiaki (guardian) of this taonga, and the author is grateful for the opportunity to have been hosted by Lisa Graves - Curator, World Cultures, Bristol Museum & Art Gallery in January 2024, where he examined this taonga, and subsequently produced a historical and technical report.​

*Click on PDF icon to access report.

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Te Heru o Hongi Hika

Completed November 2024

This report focuses on a paraoa heru (whalebone hair comb) which is believed to have belonged to renowned Ngāpuhi chief, Hongi Hika; and was then gifted to the French clergyman Bishop Pompallier in the Bay of Islands in 1839. It subsequently changed hands several times before finally becoming part of the Bristol Museum & Art Gallery Collections.

The Bristol Museum & Art Gallery, Bristol, U.K. is currently the kaitiaki (guardian) of this taonga, and the author is grateful for the opportunity to have been hosted by Lisa Graves - Curator, World Cultures, Bristol Museum & Art Gallery in January 2024, where he examined this heru, and subsequently produced a historical and technical report.​

*Click on PDF icon to access report



Te Mangaeka o Wharepapa 

Completed 9 November 2024



This report focuses on the mangaeka (rain cloak) that was gifted by Ngāpuhi Chief Kamariera Te Hau Takiri Wharepapa to the Mayor of Bristol in September 1863.  This purakau/story is about a delegation of Māori chiefs who traveled to England in 1863, met the Prince and Princess in London, and were granted an audience by Queen Victoria at Osborne House, Isle of Wight, in July of that year.

This Bristol Museum & Art Gallery, UK. is currently the kaitiaki (guardian) of this taonga, and the author was grateful to have been hosted by Dr Lisa Graves - Curator World Cultures, Bristol Museum & Art Gallery in January 2024 and subsequently produced this historical & technical report.

*Click on PDF icon to access report.

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He kahu kurī mai i nga kohinga a Kāpene  Kuki?

Envisaged completion date July 2025



This report focuses on the Kahu Kuri (dog skin cloak) which documentary evidence suggests was collected by Captain James Cook RN

The Museum of Archaeology & Anthropology, Cambridge University, UK. is currently the kaitiaki (guardian) of this taonga, and the author was grateful to have been hosted by Dr Anita Herle, Dr Jocelyn Dudding, Aayushi Gupta, and Guey Mei-Hsu, in January 2024, and decided to produce this historical & technical report.

*Click on PDF icon to access report.

Not yet available.

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Ngā Kākahu o te Kuini Wikitoria

Envisaged completion date July 2026


This report focuses on a set of kaitaka and a korowai (two types of finely woven flax cloaks); which were gifted to Queen Victoria, by a delegation of Māori chiefs, who were granted an audience with her whilst in England in 1863. 

The Māori delegation included several chiefs from around Aotearoa New Zealand, but it is the continuing link between the Royal family and Ngāpuhi that has sparked an interest with the author.

Te Kongahu Museum at the Waitangi Treaty Grounds is the current kaitiaki (guardian) of the korowai, as part of a long-term loan from The Royal Collections Trust. The Swiss Cotton Museum, Osborne House, on the Isle of Wight, where the Māori delegation was given an audience with Queen Victoria, is the current kaitiaki of the kaitaka. The author is grateful to have had the opportunity to be hosted by Caroline de Guitaut - Deputy Surveyor of The King's Works of Art - Royal Collections Trust; Kirsty Huggett - Collections Conservation Assistant; Emma Hallums - Collections Care Assistant; and Vickie Eggs - Osborne House Guide, at Osborne House in January 2024, and subsequently, decided to produce an historical & technical report. 

*Click on PDF icon to access report.

Not yet available.

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Pitt Rivers Pihepihe

Envisaged completion date July 2026


This report focuses on a pihepihe (cloak with flax cylinders) which is in the Pitt Rivers Museum's collections. 

The author is committed to uncovering the whakapapa (provenance) of this stunningly beautiful taonga (cultural treasure).

Pitt Rivers Museum, Oxford University, U.K., is the current kaitiaki (guardian) of this pihepihe. The author is grateful to have had the opportunity to be hosted at Pitt Rivers Museum by Bryony Smerdon - Assistant Curator (Visiting Researchers) in January 2024, and has subsequently examined the pihepihe, with a view to produce an historical & technical report. 

*Click on PDF icon to access report.

Not yet available.

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Envisaged completion date April 2025


This report focuses on a wahaika paraoa (whalebone club) which is in the Fowler Museum's collections. 

The author is committed to uncovering the whakapapa (provenance) of this stunningly powerful taonga (cultural treasure).

The Fowler Museum, University of California (UCLA), USA, is the current kaitiaki (guardian) of this wahaika. The author is grateful to have had the opportunity to be hosted at Fowler Museum by Silvia Forni - Director; Rachel Raynor - Director of Registration and Collections Management; Isabella Kelly-Ramirez - Manager Collections; and Jeanette Saunders - Registrar, in July 2023, and July 2024, and subsequently examined the wahaika, with a view to produce an historical & technical report. 

*Click on PDF icon to access report.

Not yet available.

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