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Writer's pictureBrent Kerehona Pukepuke-Ahitapu

Hongi's Hikoi - the short film, nearing completion

We have been busy working on a number of film shoots for our short film Hongi's Hikoi the past few months (as Covid restrictions have lifted) and are in a good position to have our project completed by mid-June this year.

Scenes that we have shot recently, are: a) a farewell scene from the Bay of Islands NZ, b) Hongi and Waikato's audience with King George IV in London, c) Hongi studying European military tactics and strategies, d) Hongi and Waikato's introduction to the King at Carlton House in Westminster, e) Hongi and Waikato's introduction with Baron Charles Phillipe deThierry at Queens' College Cambridge University in England.

We thank all of our actors to date, we value your time, talent and company, our short film wouldn't be the success that it is without your contribution.

Actors/Actresses: Marcus Poa, Sean Darcy, Elijah Warner, Nevaeh Brown, Joella Walsh, Aliyah Waipouri, Maqua'el Waipouri, Kris Kerehona, Kieran Thomson, Craig Sams and Rawiti Iti.

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